Arms of God

You were there...
you saw everything.
And you cried,
along with me.

And there were times,
that only God remembers.
I was there,
but I lost all memory...

Maybe it's life's way
of healing my soul.
You can't cry when you don't
remember what for...

But that was then,
and this is now.
I see the great big picture
for the very first time.

And suddenly,
all I desire,
is to surrender
to something higher.

In the arms of God,
rocking gently.
Feeling love
heal and protect me.

Cry for me no more.
The only pain I know
is in your eyes.

I'm in the arms of God,
snuggling tightly.
Feeling peace
for the first time...

I surrendered -
I'm freer than
I ever was...

In the arms of God...


Carmen Colombo
August 2003


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