Is Like A Crocus
Growing Through The Snow
With every beat of my heart
I am reminded of your first breath
When I held you to myself
Embraced you to know you as my
Yet today
A total stranger or a non-custodial
Denies me my right to hold you
close to myself
If it were your last breath
For in one incredible moment
Your innocence was transformed into
The life of a fugitive
Fleeing from justice
Fleeing from those who love you
Fleeing from all the dreams we
still dream for you
For when you were created
The spark of God was placed within
Now it is hidden from us
Holding us captive
Unable now to fan the spark into a
flame of love
Unable to speak you name and see
you beside me
Unable to look into your eyes and
see the reflection of my love
Unable to see you jump and skip
rope and admire your beauty
Unable to kiss you as you lay in
bed asleep
Unable to share the excruciating
pain and you cannot hear me
For on one given day in the history
of the whole of humankind
You were snatched away from my
loving arms
Leaving behind a broken heart that
can be mended only by your return
Leaving behind a restless mind that
can come to rest only with your presence
Leaving behind an empty spirit that
can only be filled with your love
Never again should a child be
exploited, abused, or go missing
For our shame is what happens to
one child
Happens over and over to the
thousands who are exploited, abused, or missing
For one child is worth the largest
of diamonds, the most precious of pearls,
The most valuable of precious
And that child is you child
To be treasured so that we will
never give up hope
And hope transforms despair
For is not the crocus able to grow
through the snow
Can a rose not grow through a crack
in a wall and flourish on the other side
Can we not see the moon come back
each night
Will not the sun rise today and
give us a brighter day
And every child will be where she
or he is meant to be
In a safe place and loving arms
And who will whisper gently
Mom ….. Dad …..
I love you.
Father John E. Walsh