Drop of a Hat

I fall in love
at the drop of a hat.
Did you drop yours?

I don't see one on your head.
Oh there it is, on the floor!
Where my heart used to be
until I saw you.
But now I look at you,
and suddenly my heart can fly!

I fall in love at the drop of a hat,
in just a second...
I can go from being
sad to overjoyed.
And I can't help feeling
that life is just a game.
I can't help feeling like a toy.

I fall in love at the drop of a hat,
and yet it's strange.
I believe that true love
will never change.

I close my eyes
and love has no face.
It's always the same love,
It's just a different time
and different place.


Carmen Colombo
April 1996


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