Comments on the Year of the Harvest ...2006

by: Jeanne L. Thompson

Greetings All

Now that February, the month of the Lotus is here, I sit in GRATITUDE for the myriad of emotions I have experienced to date in this momentous year of 2006. I teach about energy, vibrational energy and the understanding of our personal and collective cycles. I teach this through the ancient science of Numerology, a mathematical method of how we utilize our energy, both on a personal and collective level. I recently read the" White Buffalo Teachings" by Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th generation keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Pipe of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Great Sioux Nation. Within these teachings, his is a clear message that everything and everyone is connected and that what happens one place in the world, has an effect on all of us, be it our water, our mineral, our plant life or any of Earth's creatures. I have been studying native traditions with an aboriginal "grandmother" for many years now, so the information contained in White Buffalo teachings was not foreign to me but rather validating my experience to this point in my own evolution. I would highly recommend the book for those looking for guidance as to how we as a COLLECTIVE might find our way out of the darkness that continues to shroud our world in the illusion of separateness.

You can order The White Buffalo Teachings by Chief Arvol Looking Horse online at 

I have learned that there are cycles in everything. The cycles of nature are our best teachers when it comes to this. There is a seed planting time, a harvest time and a time of completion, when the old falls away and becomes dormant until the new seed sprouts.

Most people have come across a Farmer's Almanac somewhere along the line and you might have noticed that everything is scheduled according to the cycles of the moon. This is the same in native teachings. In numerology, the numbers go from 1-9. You plant in your one cycle, harvest in your fourth and eighth cycle and complete in your ninth cycle. Each individual has his or her own personal cycle of days, months and years. The point I'm arriving at is that how each individual reacts to and treats each experience shared, affects the experience of the collective on a GLOBAL SCALE. This is the reason why our Earth Mother's tummy is rumbling and she has begun spewing back the venom directed toward her for Eons of time. Take a lesson from His Story! This isn't the first time whole civilizations and species have been wiped out! If I were to analyze the law of cause and effect in numerological terms, I would venture to say that the "cause" would be the "seed" and the effect would be the end result or the TIME when that seed was "harvested." I would say further that the word THOUGHT would be the SEED or INTENTION.  The completion of that thought or intention then would one day manifest into FORM or REALITY, whether it be on a personal or global level. You know the good old term "As you sow, so shall you reap!" It's just another way to describe how the word thought turns into form. Although the end result of how we choose to direct our energy may be "fire and brimstone" IT COULD ALSO BE GLOBAL PEACE!  Thank goodness we were all given FREE WILL!  Personally, I haven't encountered a will that was "free". Usually it takes large doses of heart wrenching experiences tempered by love of friends, family and finally of self, to realize that the power to create what WILL happen lies within EACH of us.

This year, as a collective, we are harvesting the seeds we planted at the beginning of the millennium, the year 2000. In numerology, the number two is the number of the subconscious mind or the WELL from which our true intentions spring forth. Now I understand the meaning of the term "ignorance is bliss!" It takes discernment, work and focus to get, be and remain conscious in this present media driven world. Some of us are afraid to even go outside anymore without our arsenals of insect repellants, allergy pills and sunscreen potions and lotions. It is my opinion that some of us are getting wealthy from the sales of vitamin D, among other synthetic products. The other thing that causes me great sadness is the knowledge that some of us have never sat on a grandfather rock and communed with nature, being so still in the moment that a chipmunk, butterfly or dragonfly honors you by sitting on your foot. Some of us have never seen an eagle fly low overhead or a hawk gracing you with its presence. Some of us are not aware of the connection between the experience and the deeper LANGUAGE OF SYMBOLISM  which abounds in nature and all things. Some of us only see nature on TV. and believe most of what we hear on it and read in the papers.

I have always utilized my moments of sadness by finding the inspiration to do something about it, embracing it and excavating it as I grow and learn from my personal cycles.

Nature is full of numbers and mathematical or geometric designs, each bearing extreme significance in the cycles of life.

In the momentous year of 2006, our Earth Mother is preparing for the harvest. I am inspired to gift all who read on with a numerological analogy sprinkled with messages from spirit.

Let's return to the number two, the number of the SUBconscious mind. It is the number of balance, gestation, cooperation, diplomacy and self-knowledge. It symbolizes the receptive, reproductive and form-building power within the human organism. It is the connecting link between our conscious and subconscious mind. It is also the number of free will or as Shakespeare put it "to be or not to be" The question is... will we tip the scales toward self therefore global destruction or will we choose life? Our Earth Mother is out of balance because we are and she is spinning with the turmoil we hold within ourselves. This is the year when she will begin releasing what she has collected from humanity. All those who are not vibrating to her heightened energy will be released as well.

All those who continue to turn a blind eye to her cries will suffer.

The next number I would like to look at is zero. There are two 0's in the year 2006. Since cyclicity is the essence of life, there can be no ending, therefore in numerology, the # 0 is the life force BEFORE entering manifestation or the Creator Essence. The number zero is also the ancient symbol for the Alpha and the Omega or the ancient numerical value for the circle. It is the" zero point" where we know we're at the brink of SOMETHING BIG but we are uncertain as to the "TIMING" of it.

So, to back-track a little bit, 2 is the subconscious mind and now we have two 0's and a six. (2+0+0+6)   I'm going to paint a little picture. If  2 governs the subconscious mind and we aren't either aware or concerned about the multitude of signals and symbols that drive it, how are we going to hold ourselves accountable and responsible for the seeds we are planting? I know I am not alone in voicing that the time is now to take off our cloaks and CUT A NEW PATTERN for our Earth Mother's party dress. It's time to take a good look at how our garden's growing. It's time to take the scythe and release thoughts of abandonment, fear, hatred and separateness and embrace our uniqueness as humankind to CHOOSE PEACE.

 This is the point when we come to the # 6. Six is the number of the mind, the intellect, love and creation. It is the point where true and false are separated. It represents creation and the opposing factors of the one source, male and female, positive and negative and the conscious and subconscious mind. It governs Re-modeling, Re-solving, marriage, domestic and community responsibilities as well as ART and CULTURE.

The whole year, 2006 adds up to the # 8. (2+0+0+6=8)  Eight is the number of the Horse, signifying strength, power and endurance. It is also the number of infinity or the idea of INFINITE POSSIBILITY. It is the number of the Re-productive organs as WELL...THE POWER OF OUR COLLECTIVE KUNDALINI ENERGY to rebirth this planet into one of PEACE. Here is one piece of the puzzle that I feel the urgent need to emphasize. Eight is also the number of Dharma, an eastern philosophy that understands the idea of DOING THE TASK FOR THE TASK'S SAKE. I personally have been on a quest to understand the # 8 because I have two of them in my numerological chart. The # 8 is the number of the harvest or the outcome and the cyclicity of everything in life. Eight is also the money vibration and you all know how much we have been "enculturalized" to believe that it is one of the most important energies in our world today. Look up the root of the word "charity" for used to mean Love. Now that it is associated with money, we see major increases in our divorce rates as a result of financial "problems". We're so busy running after the "Almighty" dollar, that we don't make the time to connect with ourselves in the PRESENT moment, never mind OUR LOVED ONES!!  We withdraw, we focus on the  outcome, saying things like, I'll be happy when, we're not going to be able to pay all the bills this month, I hate my job, but soon as I retire, I'm going to be "free" to do what I please. Here's the "kicker"...all paths lead the HEART. Some of us worry so much about the future that we forget to reflect on the PRESENT. The next thing you know, because of the stress to our "vehicle", the body begins to mal-function because we're not connecting with our spirit, which is PURE LOVE!!  No anti-Septic, anti-oxidant, anti-depressant or anti-biotic will work for long without it. That is why we are seeing an alarming increase in the number of "heart" attacks at this time. In the book "The Biology of Transcendence"  by Joseph Chilton, he explains that up to 65 percent of our heart cells are not muscle cells but neural cells. He teaches that what is unique about our hearts cells is that they have an independent, direct contact with the brain!!

Thought creates reality!!  Now I want to paint another little picture. Since our bodies are largely made up of water and the symbolism of water is the ebb and flow of our e-MOTIONS...if we as a collective don't wake up and get a handle on how we've chosen to "drive" our vehicle , there will be a mass exodus of people passing into spirit within the next two years due to heart failure. It will be similar to the "tidal waves" that our Earth Mother has been experiencing. The language of nature speaks to us and from my experience, you CAN get blood from a stone. The rocks of ages are speaking loudly...boiling and bubbling with the fires of passion and finally exploding with lava and returning to dust.

When we plant a lily in the garden, we anxiously follow its cycles, waiting patiently for it to open so we can smell its sweet fragrance. We water it and lovingly care for it until it blossoms. The moment of blossoming has arrived in the year 2006. Those of us who have been energizing the seeds of fear, famine, abandonment, scarcity and global destruction will by "mass agreement" experience these conditions both on a personal and global level. There is, however a LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL. This time, it's not just another train. It's the PEACE TRAIN. 

The last, but definitely not least is the #26, the beginning and the end of the year 2006. 

It is the number of THE GREAT GATHERING, the number of EVOLUTION  and major change, a harbinger of the year 2007 and the times of completion. As in all things there is a positive and a negative. Just as there is the possibility for personal and global destruction, so too is the infinite possibility for great personal and global TRANSFORMATION and TRUTH!!

Everywhere in the world there is a great inner stirring and a strong sense of running out of time. Some of us have had hard "jolts" to wake us up to our true purpose and some of us have been digging and gathering information for awhile. Each one of us holds a piece of the puzzle and there are bolts of "en-light-en-ment" that we have gathered from our journeys so that we may contribute back to the "whole" or the "Cosmic Egg".  I think the song "All My Life's a Circle" needs to make a comeback. My urgent plea to all those who have been kind enough to read on is this. The Harvest Year of 2006 is time to stop the train of destruction and repair the crack in our cosmic egg by jumping through the hoops of fear and getting in touch with the SACREDNESS OF ALL LIFE by being more conscious of the seeds we are planting!!

May your gardens grow with love, peace and prosperity so that you may enjoy the PRESENT as well as the gift of understanding that life is eternal.

"NOW IS WOW"    Never Order War...Wish Only Well.

Love, Light and Peace,

Chi Migwetch!!

Jeanne L. Thompson
copyright  03/02/06

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