My Very Different Room

Annoying alarms affected an adopted antelope
Babbling books balance bananas bravely beneath the bamboo
Crazy, colorful calendars continue constantly calling
Dainty, delicate dolls dance during the daytime
Extraordinary elegant earrings explore exciting events
Fancy flowers feature fashion favorites
Glimmering glasses give goat goosesbumps
Hefty hats happily help hectic hourglasses
Interesting idems interview imaginary impressions
Jazzy jade jewelry jeopardizes jealous jugglers
Klutzy keepsake kazoos kickback with the kaleidoscope
Lateral letters listing layers of laughter
Mystical, mysterious music boxes mumble the mambo
Nonstop nagging needles need notorious notoriety
Offbeat, obscure, odd objects often occupy oxygen
Puzzling pictures purposed playfully in a pyramid
Quite, quaint quilts qualify for the queen
Random rulers rapidity race radically
Some silly shoes squeaked simultaneously
Trophies towering tall take-up tremendous time
Ultra unique, unbelievably uncommon undertakings
Voluminously vibrant the violin voices volume
Windows watching the wandering winds
"X"cited, "x"pressions, "x"hilarate "x"pensive "x"tras
Yummy yellow yarrows yodeling in the yonder
Zig zag zippers zoomed zealously to the zenith

Madeline Kathleen Gosh
May 1998

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