Mr. Right
Where are you, Mr. Right?
I have looked for you on the internet,
I have looked for you on the telephone ad line,
I have looked for you on the newspaper singles pages!
Where are you, Mr. Right?
Are you the one in front of me in the supermarket check-out line?
Are you the one speaking to our seminar today?
Are you the one in the car next to me at the stop light?
Where are you, Mr. Right?
Were you the one who married my friend?
Were you the one who made small talk with me at a reception?
Were you the one who smiled at me in the elevator?
How will I ever know who you are?
What if I miss seeing you as I am distracted with something else?
What if I choose Mr. Not-Quite-Right by mistake?
What if I never find you?
Where are you, Mr. Right?
I have been looking, looking, looking.
Have you been looking for me, too?
Will you please begin looking for me....
I am so tired of searching, searching, searching.
I have searched everywhere and tried out lots of Mr. “Maybe”s.
I give’s your turn now...
you can find me, Mr. Right.
God will help me grow and learn until I am ready for you.
God will help you find me when you are ready too.
God will make sure we both know it’s Right when we meet.
I will trust God for this great gift of your friendship and love.
Thank you, God. (please hurry!)
Kathy Ragsdale
January 1998