Thank You Canada
Shenlin Li reunites with his wife after two year's Imprisonment in China
Montreal, February 25, 2002 -- With the efforts and help from the Canadian Foreign Affairs, Members of Parliament, Amnesty International, and kind-hearted Canadian people, after two years of imprisonment and much suffering in a Chinese labor camp, Mr. Shenli Lin, whom Amnesty International has called a "prisoner of conscience," is finally a free man as he reunites with his wife in Montreal today.
Shenli walked through the gates at Dorval airport in Montreal at 9:50 am, embraced his wife, and then, while surrounded by reporters, thanked all the levels of Canadian government, and all others who helped to set him free. Reporters and many other on-lookers watched as the couple walked together to meet with the local practitioners who had gathered together with banners and flowers and who were singing Falun Dafa is Good.
Several news sources were present such as CBC Television (French), CFCF12, TQS, CJAD, 940 News, Global TV, The Montreal Gazette, etc. Also, a reporter from Asia Radio interviewed Shenli Lin over the telephone.
Shenli Lin's release is indeed a "Canadian Success story." The Canadian voices pooled from all sectors of society and calling for justice made a difference!
Arrested for appealing for Falun Gong and sentenced to a forced labor camp without trial, Mr. Shenli Lin was incarcerated for two years. Nobody was allowed to visit him during the entire jail term, and he did not receive any of the letters his wife sent him.
Enduring tremendous physical and psychological abuse, Mr. Lin refused all attempts by the Chinese authorities to force him to renounce Falun Gong. As a result, his imprisonment was extended an additional six months following the first 18-month term.
After two years of imprisonment and much suffering in a Chinese labor camp, Mr. Shenli Lin was released and came back to Canada on February 25, 2002.
Gong on WOW